Ikäraja: 18
•TONY LAW is a Canadian stand-up comedian. Originally from Lacombe, Alberta, he has been based in London, United Kingdom since the age of 19. He is known for his surreal material and delivery. Many of his stand-up routines are ad-libbed, and built around various subjects that he has thought of, but not planned a routine about, and often involve fictional and surreal situations.
•RAY ZAMBINO is an English speaking comedian from Scotland. He has the magical ability to be understandable whilst still speaking in a Scottish accent. Ray’s comedy involves silly one liners, the cultural observations of a stranger in a strange land and the occasional absurd idea. Ray has previously written for MTV, Yle and performed on Nelonen Stand Up, he has worked internationally for the BBC and performed all over Finland and the UK.
•MIKA EIRTOVAARA, a Finnish stand up comedian, director and actor.
Mika on kuulunut jo yli 20-vuotta suomalaisen stand up -komiikan kivijalkoihin. Suurelle yleisölle hän tuli tunnetuksi Nelosen Stand Up! -ohjelman energisenä isäntänä. Hän on myös erittäin kokenut ja käytetty komediaohjaaja maamme eri teattereissa. Mika peilaa lavalla omaa elämäänsä ja maailmaa, joita hän katsoo itsepintaisesti komedialasiensa läpi. Eirtovaara kuvailee itse komiikkaansa vääristyneeksi tragediaksi.