Age limit: 18
TYEMYY presents
10.10.20 Turku UG
.шшшш.. Transmission from the base ..шш.
.шшшшшш.. Discovery has been made of vast amounts of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus. Our recent discoveries indicate that there might be intelligent lifeforms brewing in the depths of the Morning star...шшшшш...шшшшшшшшшшшшш...
...шшшшшшш Our electromagnetic devices have picked up sonic patterns which resemble nothing that we have encountered before ..шшшшшшшшшшшш...
..шшш... We were able to decode and amplify some of the acquired material When amplified and adjusted to levels suitable for human ear, the sonic mass in question revealed a repetitive pulsating pattern ..шшшшш...
..ш.. Uhntz Uhntz Uhntz Uhntz Uhntz Uhntz Uhntz Uhntz ....шшшш..
.шшш.. Signs of conscious life? We have readied a team of earth's sonic masters to decipher the received signals and to response with their own ..шшшш.
..шш.. A new probe will be readied and launched with a crew on board, on 10.10.2020. ..шшш.
. Zikiwiki .
. Sudden .
. Baby Spinaj .
. Mooncrobe .
. Dj Selfish Lover .
!! If you have any symptoms of Covid-19, please don't enter. We will provide the chance for you to give your ticket to a friend in case you are not able to participate. The ticket purchase includes two disposable face masks we ask you to wear :) !!
We are dedicated to providing racism-, discrimination- and harassment-free events for everyone. Any kind of harassment, disruptive behaviour is strictly prohibited. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, please inform the organizers immediately. Welcome to join the party and enjoy with us!